
Лаборатория стохастических
мультистабильных систем

Laboratory of Stochastic
Multistable Systems

Regular seminar StoLab in 2022


Meeting of the laboratory's regular scientific and educational seminar took place

On July 19, a meeting of the regular scientific and educational seminar of the Laboratory of Stochastic Multistable Systems (StoLab) was held. The seminar was led by Professor Bernardo Spagnolo. StoLab employees presented the current results of research activities. In particular, the results of a statistical analysis of the main parameters of resistive switching (voltages of resistive switching and currents in resistive states) of a ZrO2(Y)/Ta2O5-based memristive devices, obtained jointly with colleagues from the University of Granada, are presented. Within the framework of the seminar, it was decided to publish the results of this study in the journal “Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science”.