
Лаборатория стохастических
мультистабильных систем

Laboratory of Stochastic
Multistable Systems


Main position:

Master's student of the 1st year of study at the Faculty of Radiophysics, master-trainee of Intel JSC

Position in the laboratory:

Laboratory assistant

In 2018, he graduated from the bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Radiophysics of the group of fundamental radiophysics. The topic of the diploma is related to the numerical modeling of the current-voltage characteristics of a single filament. After that I continued my studies at the Department of Quantum Radiophysics and Electronics, where I am currently studying. The topic of the master's degree will be a continuation of the last graduation work.

Since December 2017 he has been working in an IT company, where he develops software for numerical modeling of physical processes in solid structures.